October 23, 2008

Crack Heads Are Us: A friendly profile part I

Have you seen these two?

If you have please call the police immediately as they have resisted arrest countless times for being a hot mess, hot mess. You may find them on the beaches of Salvador Bahia or at UPENN College Parties dry humping, dropping it like its hot and drinking all the booze. Beware, these two are very dangerous. They are both expert facebook stalkers and have already stabbed 30 innocent civilians with a pear! They can usually be found with a stank look on their faces and they may try to slap you with an authentic havaiana sandal. Please do not feed them! This will only make them attach themselves to you further. Call 1800. SAUD-ADES and I'll take care of it ASAP.

October 20, 2008

When it rains, it pokes

This post has been on my mind for a while and I thought this may be the appropriate place to tackle this subject...

I HATE irresponsible umbrella users. You all know what I'm talking about. That person who is walking with his/her big blue umbrella talking on the phone, not watching where they're going and accidentally pokes you in the forehead as you pass. Or the tiny, short woman who refuses to lift her huge yellow umbrella forcing you to bend down to avoid getting stabbed by the metal rods on the end. ANd my personal favorite, the person who lets their 3.99 walmart umbrella sway back and forth, not paying attention while their disney themed umbrella gets tangled in your hair and yanks a good chunk of it out.

You may be thinking, Rachel what the hell are you talking about? Umbrella accountability people. Thats all I'm saying. Umbrella Accountability


October 19, 2008

October 15, 2008

A note on the title of my blog

I won't lie. I didn't really know what debauchery meant when i decided to call this blog Rachism: Traveling and Debauchery. I thought it sounded nice and that debauchery was a synonym for craziness. So I was obviously a little surprised to read this definition on dictionary.com


De*bauch"er*y\, n.; pl. Debaucheries. 1. Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance. 2. Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness.

Wow! If I had to chose one word to define my experience in Brazil, it would most definitely NOT be "debauchery". Ha! However, when thinking about my experiences and Bahia more, I can see
how I must have chosen debauchery subconsciously.

For one "excessive indulgence of the appetites" is really excessive indulgence in my appetite... all the time. (See post on Traveling 101 for fat asses)
And if being American can be considered a relationship between me and the US, then there is definitely some "corruption of fidelity" going on. I am constantly telling people I'm Haitian and conveniently forgetting to mention how I've lived most of my life in the US. I actually think it was the fear of being conned and robbed all the time that encouraged me to speak portuguese like a Brazilian. And as I become more fluent and speak with less of an accent, I completely deny any allegiance to the US and let people assume that I am (gasp!) a Bahiana!

And as for lust... well, sweaty, brown, Brazilian bodies vibrating samba rhythms, twisting, dropping, flirting, smiling.... enough said.
You can stop drop drooling now.

Axe: Rachel

October 10, 2008


Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm sure many of you are wondering how I spent my birthday... did I go skinny dipping into the Atlantic Ocean, or have a rooftop house party by the pool at Vila Pimp (my old residence)? No this year was pretty low key. I hung out, had a dance class and went to the usual Tuesday party, Geronimo. I enjoyed it. Drinking beers and eating yummy acaraje was much different from my 21st birthday where I sipped pink champagne and ate coldstone cake however I truly enjoyed myself. Got a lil tipsy from the skol and pineapple-roscas Mmmm... No stress about guests or worrying about the perfect dress or getting a cake. It was great.

However, I did buy gorgeous, new, green, kinda Greek looking sandals for the occasion. What can I say? ... You can take the girl out of NYC but you cant take NYC out of the girl!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!

Axe: Rachel